Node Express REST API Role based Membership system with Email Verification and Forgot Password using Sequelize ORM towards a MySQL DB - Authentication by JWT
Volta was used for Node Version Management switching between Node versions
Functionality of the Web App
Tech used for building the Web App
Node Express REST API Role based Membership system with Email Verification and Forgot Password using Pure SQL towards a MySQL DB - Authentication by JWT
Try the demo...The Node.js Web API was made without any ORM framework like Sequelize
Functionality of the Web App
Tech used for building the Web App
Node Express REST API Role based Membership system with Email Verification and Forgot Password using Sequelize ORM towards a MySQL DB - Authentication by JWT + Refresh Tokens
Note: Due to the resource limitations of the Microsoft Azure Free App Service Plan, the initial load time will be up to 30 seconds!
Volta was used for Node Version Management switching between Node versions
Functionality of the Web App
Tech used for building the Web App